Greek hierarch: There’re aberrations from Church Tradition in Tomos for OCU

Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythera and Antikythera of the Greek Orthodox Church. Photo: UOJ

Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythera and Antikythera of the Greek Orthodox Church stated that the Ukrainian “autocephaly” has terrible deviations from the Orthodox Tradition, the Greek publication Romfea reports citing the website of the Metropolis of Kythera.

In particular, commenting on his disagreement with the decision of the Holy Council, His Eminence Seraphim reminded the clergy of the Church of Greece that a number of works had been written by many hierarchs, theologians and lay people about the Tomos for the “Orthodox Church of Ukraine”, which “consider the Ukrainian issue of ‘autocephaly’ with its canonical and ecclesiological foundations, with its terrible aberrations from the Orthodox Tradition in all its dimensions and with all its pernicious and unpredictable consequences threatening the cohesion and unity of all the Local Orthodox Churches.”

In particular, it concerns the texts “published by Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, an honorary professor of dogmatic theology at the theological faculty of the University of Thessaloniki named after Aristotle Dimitrios Tselengidis, as well as the address of numerous clergymen, monks and lay people to the hierarchy of the Church of Greece.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote about the statement of Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythera that none of the Primates of the Autocephalous Local Churches makes a liturgical mention of Epiphany Dumenko during Divine Liturgy.

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