UOC-KP “hierarch”: Epiphany is a liar, and everyone knows about it

"Primate" of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko and the head of the UOC-KP Filaret Denisenko. Photo: Facebook

On September 21, 2019, the “hierarch” of the UOC-KP “Metropolitan” Joasaph (Shibaev) of Belgorod said on his Facebook page that the “primate” of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko is a liar.

The “metropolitan” shared his impressions of the interview of the head of the OCU with the journalist of the edition “Zerkalo Nedeli” Inna Vedernikova: “My main impression of this interview can be expressed briefly – a liar!!! How can he, after this lie, rule the Church? After all, all bishops of the Kiev Patriarchate know that he is telling a lie! I understand the complexity of their current situation, but how long can they be silent in response to the cynical lies of their primate?”

He recalled: “A lot of bishops of the Kiev Patriarchate were against the candidacy of Metropolitan Epiphany proposed by the Patriarch. In order to convince the bishops to vote, before the Unification Council, at the Council of Bishops, held the day before, and even earlier, it was repeatedly stated that if Metropolitan Epiphany was elected Primate, the Church would be run together – by the Patriarch (until his death) and Metropolitan Epiphany, with the leadership of the Patriarch."

According to him, “it was promised that this dual power would be reflected in the Statute, which would have to be adopted at the Local Council after receiving the Tomos. It was even said that the intronization of the newly elected Primate would not be until the death of the Patriarch. All this was declared in the presence, with the participation and with the apparent approval of Metropolitan Epiphany. It was on these conditions that they voted, including me and my delegation.”

“But for these promises, Metropolitan Epiphany would not have been elected. Now, when he publicly lies that he did not make any promises, I cannot recognize his election as legal. He usurped power in the Church by deceit. The Grace of the Holy Spirit is not granted by deception. I urge all the bishops-witnesses of the above agreements to say it publicly. Building the church on the foundation of lies will not bring success to this cause,” he concluded.

As reported, earlier “Metropolitan” Joasaph (Shibaev) of Belgorod called on the representatives of the OCU “not to make a laughingstock of themselves to the whole world”.


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