Avakov: Ministry of Internal Affairs has no privileges for any Church

Встреча Арсена Авакова с главами религиозных организаций. Фото: law.church.ua

On September 17, 2019, during a meeting with the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov said that the MIA would protect the rights of all Churches without any privileges. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Avakov also promised to take all possible measures to prevent conflicts on religious grounds.

“I really dislike religious conflicts. And I want to do everything so that there are no such conflicts. My position is: the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not have any privileges for any Church or religious organization. This ministry will ensure the rights of everyone,” the Minister of Internal Affairs emphasized.

He also called on representatives of religious organizations to refrain from engaging outsiders in any conflict situations.

“I know that some church communities attract certain groups for protection or opposition. I have a big request – do not do this, this leads to certain complications. If you have suspicions, you want to protect yourself from something, you have the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And for us, it does not matter what denomination or what church it is, you should give us a signal. We need to act within the framework of the current law,” Avakov clarified.

The Minister also discussed with the heads of religious organizations of Ukraine the issue of expanding the activities of chaplains, including with the units of the National Police.

The dialogue participants considered the possibility of implementing a joint project with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, within the framework of which it is planned to create special camps for the rehabilitation of drug addicts.

Previously, Avakov has already promised to stop any provocations on religious grounds. “Any situation where titushki (men of sporty built) and fighters are hired will be curbed. This will concern both right-wing and left-wing radicals, any radicals,” he said.

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