Head of Cyprus Church: We are taking efforts to have no split

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and Archbishop Chrysostomos. Photo: agionoros.ru

The Primate of the Cyprus Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos, stated that he was working to ensure that Orthodoxy does not split. He said this during the press conference that took place on September 6, reports the Romfea publication.

Answering the question about the position of the Church of Cyprus on the "Ukrainian issue", His Beatitude Chrysostomos emphasized that "We adhere to a strict position. We want Orthodoxy to be united and we are working to ensure it does not split.”

In addition, the Primate of the Church of Cyprus said that Patriarch Bartholomew was against his meetings with the Primates of other Local Orthodox Churches: “We tried and even started to visit several Local Churches, but then we realized that the Ecumenical Patriarch did not want this.”

“As the Church of Cyprus, we do not claim to recognize (OCU – Ed.), but we do not say that we do not recognize it. We maintain a neutral position and want to have good relations with everyone,” added the head of the Church of Cyprus.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that according to the head of the Cypriot Orthodox Church, the religious problem in Ukraine should be resolved by all Local Churches together, not each one unilaterally.

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