Greek theologian: Those who recognize OCU are outside the Church

Protopresbyter Theodore Zisis. Photo:

Theodore Zisis, Professor Emeritus of the Theological Faculty of the University of Aristotle in Thessaloniki, is confident that the recognition of the OCU testifies to the separation from the Church. He said this in his article “The new ecclesiology of Phanar led to the Cretan ‘council’ and Ukrainian ‘autocephaly’, the full text of which was published by the portal.

In particular, Father Theodore emphasizes that "outside the Church there will be those who will be in communion with the Ukrainian schism following Patriarch Bartholomew."

According to him, “we have stated many times that we will fall into schism if we commemorate other schismatic bishops ... We, of course, mean the Ukrainian schismatics, whom the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew granted autocephaly after he had allegedly restored their canonicity having no corresponding right and competence, invading someone else’s church jurisdiction and violating the autonomy and complete independence of the autocephalous Churches.”

Moreover, a well-known Greek theologian believes that "now it is difficult to find an excuse to continue to liturgically mention the bishops who recognize the Ukrainian schismatics".

He notes that so far no Orthodox Church has recognized the OCU, while "the Greek Church, although it has not recognized the new pseudo-autocephalous church, still postpones decision-making and is subject to pressure, political and ecclesiastic, to be the first to cause a split in the world Orthodoxy so that other Churches might follow it."

Father Theodore believes that "Patriarch Bartholomew, acting in Ukraine in an anti-conciliar way ... not only did not restore unity, but further aggravated the split by persecution and hatred of the canonical Orthodox."

Therefore, according to Protopresbyter Theodore Zisis, “the schism is not confined to Ukraine only, but spreads throughout the ecclesiastic Orthodox space”, whereas “isolation and cessation of communication between Local Churches due to jurisdictions and chairs established according to the holy canons, will provoke an even greater incurable schism".

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Protopresbyter Theodore Zisis is convinced that Constantinople deliberately distorts the historical truth in order to back up a split in Ukraine.

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