OCU adherents of vlg. Mikhalcha use physical force against UOC believers

In the village of Mikhalcha, supporters of the OCU used force against the believers of the UOC. Photo: Facebook

The Chernovtsy-Bukovina eparchy published a video testifying to the fact that the seizure of the temple in the village of Mikhalcha was a planned action, while supporters of the OCU used force against believers of the UOC.

The press service of the eparchy said that while the mainstream of OCU supporters were storming the doors of the church, another activist with a hammer in his hands was running around the temple territory, trying to knock the locks off the gate.

It is noted that such actions by the representative of the OCU did not cause a proper response from law enforcement agencies.

In addition, it is emphasized that, according to the supporters of the newly formed religious organization themselves, “they are free to go to divine services, no one forbids them (for example, last Sunday), but they are not allowed to when they come to commit a raider seizure”.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that supporters of the OCU have been staying in the church territory since yesterday, and also published a photo of a hammer with which one of the activists tried to break the locks at the church yesterday: “Yesterday, an activist of the OCU held a special ‘prayer book’ with which he came ‘just to pray’, but actually ran around the temple territory, knocking off the locks. Then they would say ‘that the seizure was not planned, everything was spontaneous, and people just came to pray’."

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