Hierarch of Church of Cyprus: In Ukraine a crime was committed against UOC

Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamasos. Photo: romfea.gr

In Ukraine, a number of crimes are committed against the UOC, said Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamasos of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus in an interview with the “Αλήθεια” newspaper.

“Dozens of temples have been forcibly seized, sacred vessels, vestments, and utensils have been thrown out on the street, priests and believers have been abused and humiliated, and today thousands of people have been forcibly expelled from their temples because they did not agree with the administrative structure they are forced on," "Romfea" cites his words.

“This is inhumane and abolishes any notion of religious and human right, whether or not the granting of the Tomos of autocephaly is right or wrong,” believes the Cypriot hierarch.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the three metropolitans of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus made a joint statement on the Ukrainian church crisis caused by the bestowal of the Tomos to the OCU.

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