US thanks UCU for Ukraine’s integration into Euro-Atlantic democracy

Chargé d'Affaires of the USA to Ukraine William Taylor. Photo: Facebook

On July 13, 2019, at the “Dinner in White” charitable summer party of the Ukrainian Catholic University, US Charge d'Affaires ad interim to Ukraine William Taylor thanked the university for the fact that its professors and students integrate Ukraine into the Euro-Atlantic democracy family.

The diplomat said that being the US ambassador to Ukraine from 2006 to 2009 he observed changes in the country, and UCU is one of the examples of these changes.

“I want to applaud the UCU for this development of the last 10 years, for a significant contribution to the Ukrainian leadership, for the fact that its professors and students integrate Ukraine into the Euro-Atlantic democracy family. All these years, professors and students of this university have shown by their example what Ukrainians can achieve, guided by the values ​​of virtue, strong partnership, and transparent governance,” said William Taylor.

As reported, previously the agency under the US Government, whose goal is to promote American business investment in new markets, gave a loan to the Ukrainian Catholic University, the UGCC. The US government financial institution OPIC (the Overseas Private Investment Corporation) approved a 12-year loan for a $ 6,407 million to the religious organization “Ukrainian Catholic University of the Greek Catholic Church” (UCU) in Lviv.


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