Cyril Hovorun urges Eustraty Zoria to stop manipulation

Archimandrite Cyril Hovorun. Photo:

Theologian, outstaffed cleric of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archimandrite Cyril (Hovorun), who at one time welcomed the creation of the structure of the OCU, called on the OCU spokesman Eustraty Zoria to stop manipulating the imaginary illness of Filaret Denisenko. He stated this in his commentary on Zoria's Facebook page.

In particular, the archimandrite wrote that Filaret was not ill, since the dementia imputed to him "does not progress so fast within only 5 months and has other signs".

According to him, Filaret Denisenko is simply not capable of living without power and has a Soviet-type mentality – “that has always been like that”. Therefore, according to Hovorun, “one should not offend people by comparing them to those really sick with dementia”.

In addition, Archimandrite Cyril turned to “archbishop” Eustraty with the following words: “Your Eminence, it’s time to stop manipulating,” and “I have seen enough of such manipulations in Moscow. It’s not good to defame the OCU with them.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Eustraty Zoria believes that the illness has turned "patriarch" Filaret into an ally of Moscow, which is now using him in the fight against the Ukrainian Tomos.


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