Spokesman for UOC says what hierarchs and why did not come to Kiev

Deputy head of the UOC DECR Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich. Photo: Youtube screenshot of the “1Kozak” channel

The spokesperson for the UOC Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich said in his interview with “1Kozak” representatives of which Local Churches could not come to Kiev for the celebration in honour of the Heavenly Patron of Metropolitan Onuphry and for what reasons.

First of all, Father Nikolai noted that "there were representatives of the majority of the Local Orthodox Churches and they all addressed to His Beatitude as to the Metropolitan of Kiev".

According to him, “this means that Metropolitan Onuphrius is recognized as the only and canonical head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church”.

The spokesperson for the UOC recalled last year's letter from Patriarch Bartholomew to the Primate of the UOC, which says that after the Unification Council on December 15, Metropolitan Onuphry lost the right to be called the Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine.

“So, none of the local Orthodox Churches recognizes this. Because everyone addresses Metropolitan Onuphry precisely as "Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine". And our Church is recognized as the only canonical Church of Ukraine. No one recognizes these fantasies of the Patriarchate of Constantinople,” stressed Fr. Nikolai.

The Deputy Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations reported that “representatives of the Greek Church did not coem. I will speak openly: we understand that they wanted to maintain neutrality between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and us, did not want to take somebody’s side with the fact of their arrival. They are in double subordination: governed by the Synod in Athens but commemorate Patriarch Bartholomew.”

In addition, as the UOC spokesperson explained, “the Antioch and the Albanian Church did not come but for technical reasons. The Patriarch of Antioch sent greetings, which are addressed to "His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine". Thus, indirectly, he also does not recognize the Phanar’s fantasies. Here is the reality.”

According to Fr. Nikolai, “the delegation of the Georgian Church did not arrive due to the political situation in the country. But not at all because they allegedly 'intend to recognize the OCU'”.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that on June 27, 2019, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine received a congratulatory letter on the occasion of his Name Day from the head of the Antioch Orthodox Church of Patriarch John X of Antioch and All East. 

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