Spokesman for UOC: His Beatitude’s silence is louder than words

Deputy Head of UOC DECR Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich. Photo: UOJ

The UOC spokesperson Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich believes that "the silence on any issues of His Beatitude Onuphry speaks louder than any other words." He said this in an interview with the “1Kozak” channel.

Fr. Nikolai noted that after analyzing the statements of Metropolitan Onuphry in these times of crisis, it can be noted that he never condemns anyone, even Poroshenko and Filaret, although more than once they spoke about the Church and His Beatitude more than negatively.

The spokesman for the UOC stressed that “people and we, the entire Church, following His Beatitude, not only hear his voice but we even hear his silence. His silence on some issues speaks louder than other words. This is silence with God. God responds and arranges in such a way that the situation is obvious to everyone”.

He also noted that "silence and prayer resolve situations (as now) much better than loud words".

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamasos believes that the Primate of the UOC is one of the most spiritual personalities of the Orthodox world.

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