Hierarch of Cyprus Church: Metropolitan Onuphry is a role model of Primate

Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamassos. Photo: YouTube channel screenshot

On June 25, 2019, in Kiev, at the celebration of Metropolitan Onuphry’s Heavenly Patron's Day, the bishop of the Cyprus Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamassos called the Primate of the UOC “an example of the Primate for the entire Orthodox world” and appealed to the Ukrainian authorities to return the temples seized from the UOC believers. The corresponding video was posted on the UOJ Youtube channel.

His Eminence Isaiah, on behalf of the Primate of the Cyprus Orthodox Church, conveyed “personal congratulations on the occasion of the Heavenly Patron's Day to His Beatitude Onuphry, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, as well as love and respect on behalf of the entire Holy Synod of the Cyprus Orthodox Church”.

He particularly emphasized that “we are here today to share the joy of the Patron's Day with His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry, to personally show our love and respect for His Beatitude.”

The hierarch of the Church of Cyprus also said that “Metropolitan Onuphry is one of the most spiritual personalities of the Orthodox world, the hierarch of one of a kind life. Because with his humility, with his monastic life, with his love, he is an example for the whole Orthodox world, a role model of the Primate for the entire Orthodox world.”

Metropolitan of Tamassos noted that despite the trials that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is going through, His Beatitude Onuphry “has never condemned or said a bad word to other people. He is an example of a person of spiritual life, a person with humility and patience."

In addition, the hierarch said that the presence of representatives of 11 Local Orthodox Churches at the celebrations in honor of the Heavenly Patron's Day of Metropolitan Onuphry "is a testament to the unity of the Orthodox Churches in the name of Jesus Christ".

The hierarch of the Church of Cyprus also appealed to the Ukrainian authorities with a request “that the government do everything in its power to return the temples seized from the believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – the believers who are spiritually nourished by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry.”

His Eminence Isaiah reminded that "the religious rights of all believers, regardless of confession, must be fully secured".

That is why, he says, "we ask that people, who are expelled from their churches and who have to pray in adapted premises, return to their temples and that their rights be restored."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the hierarch of the Jerusalem Church, Metropolitan Timotheos (Margaritis) of Bostra, congratulated His Beatitude Vladyka Onuphry and stressed that he is loved and respected by the entire Christian world.

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