UOC Spokesman: A split in the split occurred in OCU

Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich. Photo: UOJ

There was a split in the split, Filaret repeated the 1992 scenario. This was stated on his Facebook page by Deputy Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich.

Commenting on the “restoration of the non-liquidated UOC KP,” Father Nikolai emphasized that in fact the recent events related to the “Local Council” of the UOC KP only repeat the same scenario as in 1992.

That is why, says the UOC Spokesman, Filaret was anathematized “not ‘for political reasons’, as it was claimed recently in Istanbul and by the UOC KP itself, but for committing a split in the Church."

Father Nikolai is confident that with regard to the head of the UOC KP, “time shows the justice of all the decisions of our Church,” just like the “error made by Phanar”.

At the same time, the UOC Spokesman asserts that despite the fact that representatives of the OCU avoid calling what has happened as a split, “otherwise they will have to recognize the split and themselves being splitters,” the situation is similar to the one that occurred in 1992.

Therefore, Father Nikolai says, “in fact, this is not a breakaway, not a separation”, according to representatives of the OCU, but “a split, because Filaret intends to re-create a parallel hierarchy, that is, duplicate the structure in the hope of dragging the OCU to his side or precisely oppose himself to it. "

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that according to the UOC Spokesman, in the statements of Patriarch Bartholomew about the return of the Ukrainian people to canonicity, there is a certain manipulation, distortion and creation of a parallel reality.

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