On June 16, the Church celebrates Holy Pentecost

Icon of the Holy Trinity on the lectern. Photo: Information and Education Centre

On the Trinity Sunday, believers think on the descend of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles in the form of fiery tongues, which stopped over each of the Disciples of Christ. The apostles, who were filled with the Holy Spirit, began to praise God in languages they had not known before. They received the power and gift to preach the Savior’s teaching throughout the world.

No wonder the Holy Pentecost is called the birthday of the Church. The best way to celebrate this holiday is to attend a divine service in a temple and, if possible, partake of the Body and Blood of Christ.

The festive Liturgy on this day is especially solemn, and immediately after it vespers are held with the reading of special kneeling prayers, which are heard in churches only once a year.

The divine service on Holy Pentecost is extraordinarily picturesque – believers decorate temples with fragrant herbs, flowers and tree branches, while clergymen wear green vestments. Everything shows the victory of Christ over death, the triumph of the Kingdom of God and the grand plan of the Most Holy Trinity in relation to the world.

Yet, numerous folk customs of the celebration of this day have pagan roots that contradict the essence of the Orthodox faith. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly distinguish which of the traditions are consonant with Orthodoxy, and which are better to avoid.

The Orthodox Church celebrates Holy Pentecost on the fiftieth day after the Holy Resurrection of Christ, which is why this holiday bears such a name.

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