Filaret: I wish I had attended Kharkov Council in 1992

Interview with “Honorary Patriarch” of the OCU Filaret Denisenko. Photo: Ours. Maxi-TV

“Honorary Patriarch” of the OCU Filaret Denisenko regrets that in 1992 he did not go to Kharkov to the Bishops' Council of the UOC.

“This is because if I had gone there, this Council wouldn’t have taken place, and the separation of the Orthodox Church would not have occurred. Because I would not allow this breakup,” Filaret said in an interview on the information media platform “Ours. Maxi-TV".

At the same time, he called the Council of Bishops of the canonical Church "illegal" and explained his absence by credulity and other people’s deception.

“I failed to go to the Council not against my will, but at that time they put me in a hospital in Feofaniya,” said the “honorary patriarch” of the newly created church structure.

He added that he did not need to go to the hospital but he was persuaded to.

“You must have bedrest because they can call you to come to Moscow but you cannot go while in hospital. Thus, I was deceived,” he conveyed the words of those who allegedly persuaded him to agree to hospitalization.

Earlier, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanych) of Borispol and Brovary, the UOC Chancellor, also recalled the events of 1992 and stated on this occasion that 27 years had passed since the Kharkov Council – but Filaret is the same. “The situation has not changed much since then, nor have the players,” noted the UOC hierarch. “The schismatic Filaret Denisenko is the same, and his behavior is the same, even in relation to his fellows. Lie, treachery, and personal gain are his loose change,” said Metropolitan Anthony. According to him, the Kharkov Council serves as a reminder that the Church managed to withstand, the Orthodox remained faithful to their Church in spite of any intimidation, blackmail, and threats. Because the Lord is always on the side of the Truth.

Recall, namely the Council of Bishops of the UOC, which Filaret considers “illegal”, deposed the “honorary patriarch” of the OCU and banned him from priesthood.

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