Poroshenko is ready to answer for Tomos

Petro Poroshenko at the Book Arsenal in Kiev on May 22, 2019. Photos: Ukrinform

Poroshenko is ready to answer all accusations of representatives of the "fifth column" regarding the Kerch Strait, the language law and the Tomos. He said about it on Wednesday, May 22, talking to journalists at the Book Arsenal in Kiev. The relevant video was published on the page of Petro Poroshenko on Facebook.

"When ‘a politician from the fifth column’ writes that it’s necessary to blame Poroshenko that he allegedly pressured whoever it might be for Ukraine to receive the Tomos – I am ready to answer for it. I think it was the right crucial step,” said the ex-president.

He stressed he is ready to bear responsibility for all his actions, which the "enemies of Ukraine" are now trying to present as a crime against the state.

"The criminal case on the Kerch Strait is an attack on the army, the criminal case on the Tomos is an attack on faith, a criminal case on the law of the language is an attack on the state language. Everything is clear according to the program, but they are trying in vain,” Poroshenko summed up.

The day before, the State Bureau of Investigation, at the request of lawyer Andrei Portnov. brought the case against the former President of Ukraine in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait in November 2018 – Petro Poroshenko is suspected of treason and abuse of judicial powers. The former head of state considers this fact to be a "political persecution" as a sign of the beginning of the parliamentary election campaign and an attempt to shift the responsibility of the aggressor country to the Ukrainian authorities.

To be reminded, earlier Petro Poroshenko declared he would protect the OCU from revenge.

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