Filaret: I trusted Poroshenko and Epifaniy, and they deceived me

Filaret believes that Epifaniy and Poroshenko deceived him. Photo from open sources

Petro Poroshenko and Filaret deceived Filaret. The injured party revealed this at a press conference held on May 15, 2019, at the headquarters of the Kyiv Patriarchate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC-KP).

“There were agreements between me and the President, and with Epifaniy as well. And not only between the three of us, but also with the hierarchs,” Filaret said. “And at the Hierarchical Council, the same agreement was in place: that I would continue to manage the Church within Ukraine together with Epifaniy, while he would represent the Church in external relations. That was the agreement.”

Filaret emphasized that the agreement was gentlemen’s and was not documented, as he trusted his partners. However, as it turned out, it was in vain: “We did not sign this agreement because I had confidence in them. I trusted the President, and I trusted Epifaniy. And they deceived me.”

Filaret also mentioned that Epifaniy became the head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) solely due to his efforts: “I trusted him one hundred percent. If I had not nominated him at the Council (the Unification Council – ed.), he would not have become the head.”

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