Filaret: I do not exlude OCU split, but we will create Kiev Patriarchate

Filaret Denisenko

Filaret Denisenko said in an interview with the “1 + 1” TV channel that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine has been divided. And in this situation, the “honorary patriarch” considers it his mission to preserve the Kiev Patriarchate.

“There is the Kiev Patriarchate, it does not need to be returned,” noted the “honorary patriarch” of the OCU. “There is the patriarch, and if there is the patriarch, then there is a patriarchate, there is the Kiev Patriarchy. And therefore, it is and should be. And the time will come when is recognized. 100% sure.”

At the same time, he does not exclude a split in the newly created church structure. However, Filaret is not going to give up his main task – “to preserve the Kiev Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Church”.

“I allow for the division of the Church, but we’ll create a single Church – the Kiev Patriarchate. By all means," resumed Denisenko.

Напомним, накануне «почетный патриарх» направил «архиереям» ПЦУ приглашения на «торжественное молитвенное общение», оформленные на бланках Киевского патриархата. По данным украинских СМИ, «почетный патриарх» ПЦУ Филарет рассматривает перспективы полноценного восстановления Киевского патриархата в Украине.

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