SBU believes that Pat. Kirill’s greetings contain hate propaganda

The SBU believes that Patriarch Kirill’s greetings contain hate propaganda

On April 24, 2019, the Pechersk District Court of Kiev gave temporary access to the Main Department of the Security Service of Ukraine in Kiev and the Kiev region to things and documents of the “Sofrino” company (Russia) that are at the “Specialized” customs checkpoint of the SFS Kiev city customs office, reports "Glavkom".

The Security Service believes that the international parcels with greeting cards of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia delivered last year to the Moscow customs contain calls and statements aimed at “strengthening the feelings of hostility, hatred to the Ukrainian-speaking population of the state and other religious denominations” among UOC believers.

In the petition, the Security Service of Ukraine explains that access to these documents takes place within the framework of criminal proceedings (Part 2 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) in connection with the performance of the Russian Empire hymn "God Save the Tsar" on July 17, 2016, in Kiev not far from the national reserve ‘Sofia of Kiev’ by the participants in the cross procession from the religious organizations "The Union of Orthodox Brotherhoods of Ukraine" and "The Brotherhood of the Holy Archangel Michael of the UOC". Also, according to security officials, the protesters held in their hands the symbols of the Russian Empire and the portraits of Emperor Nicholas II.

Church products manufactured by “Sofrino” are often used by the “priests” of the UOC KP. As the UOJ reported, the Ternopol “archpriest” of the UOC KP Anatoly Zinkevich, the brother of the Lutsk “Metropolitan” Mikhail Zinkevich of the OCU, was recorded by a video camera of one of the church stores of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The cleric of the UOC KP bought “Sofrino” products. All goods that are sold in church stores are consecrated in advance by the priests of the UOC.

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