Patriarch Kirill congratulates Zelensky on winning presidential election

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus

In his congratulatory letter, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church stressed that Ukraine’s new president has a chance to go down in history as the one who unified the country. A congratulatory message is published by

"The people of Ukraine who supported your candidacy are pinning high hopes on you related to a change for the better in their lives. You have a historic chance to cement the nation and make your personal contribution to solving economic and social problems in the country, to overcoming the current disagreements and divisions.

I am convinced that to ensure the effective operation of the state system for the sake of raising the living standards of people is possible only by joint efforts of all well-meaning forces of society, with their full participation in the national dialogue.

I express my sincere hope that the mournful period of harassment and discrimination of citizens of Ukraine belonging to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is over.

May the gracious God help you in good deeds and undertakings, give you wisdom and strength in your the forthcoming efforts for the benefit of the people of Ukraine,” writes the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

As the UOJ reported, earlier, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kiev and All Ukraine congratulated President-elect Vladimir Zelensky and assured him of support from the Church in matters that promote the establishment of spiritual and moral values ​​of society.

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