Filaret fears that Zelensky will support UOC

Filaret believes Zelensky will support the UOC

If Vladimir Zelensky wins the presidential election in Ukraine, the process of “the unification of Ukrainian Orthodoxy” may stop, according to Filaret Denisenko. He said this on one of the Ukrainian TV channels on April 12, reports the REGNUM information agency.

“The Ukrainian Church of the Moscow Patriarchate hopes that he (Vladimir Zelensky – Ed.) will support it. And we think that he will support,” the “patriarch” shared his thoughts.

Filaret assumed that in this case "the unification will either cease completely or will be very slow"

At the same time, he does not exclude the possibility for Zelensky to continue the course of the current President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and support the process of "uniting Ukrainian Orthodoxy".

“We do not doubt that Poroshenko will support the unification of Ukrainian Orthodoxy. And how Zelensky will behave if he is elected, we do not know. Maybe he will support, but we still have no evidence,” said Filaret Denisenko.

As reported by the UOJ, earlier Peter Zinich, a “priest” of the OCU and a cleric of the St. Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev, said that those who voted in the presidential election for Vladimir Zelensky would burn in hell.

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