Publicist: The schism – a magnet of vices and passions of Ukrainian society

Sergey Komarov

Secular manifestations of the Ukrainian schism are very far from Christian ideals, said Sergey Komarov, a teacher of the Higher St. Vladimir Orthodox Theological Courses, an Orthodox publicist and missionary.

“Why cannot the UOC join the OCU? Not because the latter has a fake tomos. And not because they are illegal, i.e. not ordained. Not because their autocephaly is illegal. These are not the first reasons. What is the most important thing? The fact that the spiritual and moral state of the adherents of schism inspires just some kind of horror ... It goes about a model of church consciousness, what in the schism is considered a norm,” Sergey Komarov shared his opinion on the “1Kozak” channel.

According to him, over the years of its existence, the Ukrainian schism has become a magnet, which absorbed all the vices and passions of our society.

“Pride, ethnophilism, Russophobia, extreme nationalism, avarice, lust for power and many other sins and passions seemed to be concentrated there,” the Orthodox missionary explained. At the same time, in his opinion, the main figure and symbol of the Ukrainian schism – Filaret – personifies all these qualities.

“In the world of music, there is an important concept of “intonation” – we distinguish every great performer by his sound, by intonation, which is heard from the first notes. There is the intonation of the performer, the intonation of the epoch, the intonation of the composer. The Ukrainian schism also has a kind of intonation, which is very easy to hear, for example, in Filaret’s preaching, where he says that people in the Donbas deserve sufferings for their sins, or in the Russophobic statements of his and other leaders of the Ukrainian schism, in their collaboration with radical groups in hatred for the canonical Church. All these strokes form a certain intonation of the Ukrainian schism: the intonation of pride, slyness, lust for power, love for money, nationalism and other things,” Komarov said, adding that if we recognize the schismatics' diseases to be a norm, then we will get sick of the same diseases.

At the same time, he stressed that the Church does not recognize the schismatics not at all because "they are not brothers to us".

“No, they are brothers but sick brothers, and we point them to these diseases and ask them to do something with them. Because in such a state they cannot enter there,” the publicist resumed.

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