Vyatrovich announces the Day of Freedom of Conscience and Religion

Vyatrovich has announced a new holiday

Vladimir Vyatrovich, director of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, said that a new date – the Day of Freedom of Conscience and Religion – will enter the calendar of public holidays of Ukraine, reports “Ukrinform”.

The initiators of such a holiday are the All-Ukrainian Council of Religious Associations and the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory. According to Vyatrovich, the Soviet-era communist regime persecuted Ukrainians not only on a national or social basis but also on a religious basis. He also listed the denominations that were persecuted in the USSR. According to him, they include the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the UGCC, as well as Protestants, Jews and Muslims. Vladimir Vyatrovich did not specify how the UOC, which arose almost simultaneously with the disappearance of the USSR, was persecuted by the communist regime.

Also, Lyudmila Filipovich, vice president of the public organization "Ukrainian Association of Religious Experts" spoke about the need to create such a holiday. According to her, Vyatrovich’s initiative is now particularly relevant since there is a need to protect the freedom of religion that Ukraine has achieved: the situation that we still have the opportunity to hold."

Vladimir Vyatrovich's initiative has already been commented on the web.

Popular blogger Maxim Buzhansky wrote on his Facebook on his page: “You will laugh, but Vyatrovich announced the appearance of a new holiday – the Day of Freedom of Conscience and Religion. Anyone, tell finally the recipient of one hundred million budget money that according to our Constitution, we have the day of freedom of conscience and religion every day.”

Recall that almost every day there are reports of the seizure of churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which take place with the assistance, and even the participation of representatives of the state authority. Believers of the UOC massively report the violation of their rights to freedom of religion.

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