Separate eparchy created in OCU for Metropolitan Alexander (Drabinko)

A meeting of the OCU "synod"

The new Pereyaslav-Vishnevoye branch of the OCU was formed by the decision of the “synod” meeting on March 4 as an “exception”, as reported in Journal No. 16.

The Office of the Pereyaslav-Vishnevoye “eparchy” is decided to be organized “as an exception for parishes from the Kiev, Belaya Tserkov, Borispol Eparchies of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (in communion with the Moscow Patriarchate) that voluntarily want to join the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Orthodox Church of Ukraine) <...> in the form of a religious organization (administration), to approve its Statute and authorize Metropolitan Alexander (Alexander N. Drabinko) of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky and Vishnevoye to conduct all registration actions,” the document says.

Metropolitan Alexander (Drabinko) was appointed the head of the Office with the title of Metropolitan Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky and Vishnevoye.

Also, the OCU “obliged” the newly appointed head of the OCU branch to draw up a report on the creation of the “eparchy” to the next meeting of the “synod”. 

As reported by the UOJ, on January 23, the ex-Metropolitan used false documents to “transfer” to the OCU a parish in the village of Morozovka of the Baryshevka district, Kiev region. On January 20, he blessed to accept the community from Zaporozhye to the OCU, and on January 14, the defector metropolitan “allowed” the transfer of the St. Nicholas-Assumption Church in Kolomyya to the OCU. The order, which Metropolitan Alexander wrote on behalf of the OCU, was printed on the letterhead of the “Foundation for the Memory of His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir”, the deceased Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

We recall that the former Metropolitan Alexander (Drabinko) of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky and Vishnevoye was the vicar archiereus in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, that is the bishop who did not have the right to intervene voluntarily in the life of the parishes and, all the more, to bless the change of their jurisdiction.

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