SBU conducting investigations at a security company helping the Church

Employees of the security company "Stealth-1"

On Tuesday, February 26, 2019, the SBU officers came to the main office of the security company "Stealth-1" with a search. According to the UOJ, at the moment the building is cordoned off, entrances and exits are blocked, and the phones – removed from the employees.

The security company "Stealth-1" is known for the fact that for more than one year it has officially provided protection for UOC churches, religious processions and various church events.

The source of the UOJ reported that the searches are simultaneously being held in two offices and in the apartment of the company's owner, deacon Viacheslav Pavliv. The official reasons for the operational actions are unknown.

“The building is cordoned off, searches are being conducted, nobody is allowed in,” said the source. “Earlier Father Viacheslav has been unofficially warned that for his work on helping the Church "there would be a payback".  He was warned of searches and pressure from the tax inspection."

“Stealth-1”, founded in 1997, provides protection for objects of any category of complexity throughout Ukraine, ensuring the protection of individuals and legal entities.

The company's slogan: “Our mission is to guard and protect. We are always there!”

In 2018, the “Stealth-1” company attracted attention of the radicals from S14.

“This security company guarded the cross procession of the Moscow Patriarchate and also participated in many raider operations of the FSB Church,” the leader of the radical group Yevgeny Karas wrote then. “It is a big security company, the degree of threat from which is difficult to assess. They have not yet entered into ‘the game’ in earnest."

As the UOJ reported, earlier, without explanation, the SBU officers detained the abbot of the Tithes (Desiatinny) Monastery Bishop Gedeon (Kharon) of Makarov at the Borispol airport. The cleric was later deported to the United States. A few days later, the SBU initiated a meeting with the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine, "to inform the Primate of the UOC MP about the information related to extremist actions."

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