MTA Rector: Pantocrator and Xenophontos are poisoned by Phanar’s falsity

Bishop Ambrosy (Yermakov) of Vereya, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy

The joint divine service of the Athos monastery of Pantokrator and “bishop” of the OCU Pavel Yuristy, as well as the visit of the abbot of the Xenophontos monastery to the enthronement of the head of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko made it impossible for Orthodox pilgrims to visit these monasteries and have a prayer and Eucharistic communion with their monastic communities, warned Ambrosy (Yermakov) of Vereya, the rector of the Moscow Theological Academy.

“It seems to me that it is important for us to have today such a list of hierarchs, monasteries and parishes, which favored the legalization of schismatics and entered into the prayer and Eucharistic communion with schismatics who have no holy dignity. Today, this list of those who joined up with the schismatics was topped by the Athos Monastery of Pantocrator, following the Xenophontos Monastery,” the Shepherd and Flock journal quoted the rector of MDA.

Vladyka Ambrosy called the active legitimization of the church schism in Ukraine and stepped up actions of the OCU "hierarchs" a "new renovationism".

Phanar acted in the same way as when the Patriarch of Constantinople sided with falsehood and called for the overthrow of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon back in the early 20th century, but acknowledged the Renovationists, recalled Bishop Ambrosy. He explained that the monasteries of Xenophontos and Pantocrator are now infected with the same falsity.

Two of these Athos monasteries voluntarily removed themselves from the church body just like it was “during the times of Soviet godlessness, when the Renovationists made themselves alien to the Church of Christ,” said Bishop Ambrosy.

“It is worth remembering that in order to preserve church purity saints, such as martyr John Popov, were ready to face death. Church purity and canonicity cost dearly. Let's remember this and act on the truth,” the rector of the Moscow Theological Academy concluded.

On February 8, 2019, the OCU representative, bishop Pavel Yuristy of Odessa and Balta, led the liturgy at the Pantokrator Monastery of Holy Mountain Athos.

Pantocrator is one of 5 monasteries whose representatives during the session of the Holy Kinot of Holy Mount Athos supported the initiative of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople to send a delegation of observers to the enthronement of the head of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko. Representatives of most Athos monasteries – 15 – spoke out against it. Among Athonite keliots and hermits many claim to stop the liturgical mention of Patriarch Bartholomew. Athos monasteries Philotheou and Karakallou declared that they would close their gates if Epiphany Dumenko, the head of the OCU, came to the Holy Mount.

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