UOJ becomes a winner of Konstanty Ostrogski Award

Diploma of the laureate of Konstantin of Ostrog Prize

The Union of Orthodox Journalists entered the list of the winners of the 30th award of the Polish Konstanty Ostrogski Foundation, which is awarded for outstanding achievements in the development of Orthodox thought, mission, culture, and spirituality, as well as for activities aimed at the unity of Christians.

The laureates are selected by the editorial board of the "Orthodox Review" journal, which is published by the Foundation. The editor-in-chief of the publication, MP of the Polish Sejm, Eugeniusz Czykwin, noted that the UOJ disseminates on the Web documents, opinions, and comments from both the hierarchs of the canonical Church and ordinary believers, which allows readers to have an independent and impartial judgment on the religious life of Ukraine at the moment.

“We are watching with pain what is happening in Ukraine today,” reports his words Sobor.by. “I would say that this is an overt persecution, repression against the canonical Orthodox Church. We try to use the materials of the Union of Orthodox Journalists – their interviews and presentations of events in Ukraine, in our opinion, are objective.”

Apart from the UOJ, the winners of the award include: the head of the Albanian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Anastasios Yannoulatos of Tirana, Duress and All Albania, Swiss theologian Rev. Michel Quenot, Polish scholar and journalist Andrzej Romanowski and Polish journalist Jan Smyk.

The award ceremony will be held at the opening of the International Festival "Hajnowka Church Music Days" in early May.

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