ROC: Schism leaders and Ukraine's current politicians to sink into oblivion

Patriarch Kirill's press secretary Priest Alexander Volkov

Patriarch Kirill's press secretary Priest Alexander Volkov believes that the leaders of the present schism in Ukraine will be forgotten together with the current Ukrainian politicians, reports “Interfax”. 

The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church hopes that the schism in Ukraine will be overcome after the political situation changes.

"No matter how catastrophic current events are, it is a catastrophe that can be overcome, and it will definitely be overcome, because people come and go, politicians come and go, their names are forgotten, but the Church will not disappear, and the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church will not disappear," he said at a press conference on January 28, 2019.

As to the schismatics, who, he said, have joined forces with politicians in Ukraine, "these current politicians will undoubtedly become a thing of the past, and they will be followed by all leaders and participants in this schism if they don't repent and don't try to return to the canonical Church," he said.

"There has always been canonical Orthodoxy in Ukraine, and it continues to develop. It is just happening under very difficult circumstances now, which will definitely change," the priest said.

As the UOJ reported, earlier a spokesman for the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Priest Alexander Volkov, said that Patriarch Bartholomew had finally severed himself from world Orthodoxy, having fallen into schism.

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