President and OCU head Epiphany bring Tomos to Vinnitsa

Tomos brought to Vinnitsa

On January 13, Petro Poroshenko and OCU head Epiphany arrived with the original copy of the Tomos at the Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral, where they were met by Metropolitan Simeon (Shostatsky).

According to "Ukrinform", apart from Poroshenko, the service, led by “Metropolitan” Epiphany, was also attended by Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman and Member of Parliament Aleksei Poroshenko. The OCU head was concelebrated by Metropolitan Alexander (Drabinko), banned by the UOC Synod of from ministry.

In his speech, the President said that “Tomos is a document of the millennium”. He also thanked the Vinnitsa residents for supporting Metropolitan Simeon.

“But for your support, no administrative methods would have made it possible. I came to thank you for our dear Vinnichina ranking first today in the number of parishes that have decided to join our Church,” Poroshenko said.

A thanksgiving moleben was held in the square in front of the cathedral.

As the UOJ reported, the pre-election campaign trip of Petro Poroshenko with the Tomos began on January 10 with a thanksgiving service for autocephaly and the OCU formation in the city of Rovno.

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