Chernigov nationalists are out to have a rally at UOC Trinity Cathedral

Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chernigov

On January 6, 2019, at 10:00 am, the Nationalist Civic Movement Right Sector in Chernigov are set to conduct an “open dialogue” with parishioners of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, the organizers of the action on Facebook reported.

The nationalists emphasized that it’s high time for the parishioners of the canonical Church “to pass peacefully to the OCU."

“We strive for unity because this is our strength. We want every Orthodox believer to go to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and revive national identity. The Moscow Church manifests alien traditions, intoxicates the heads of our brothers and sisters, makes Ukrainians doubt their own independence and power but now is the time to move peacefully to the Ukrainian Church,” representatives of the Right Sector said.

The organizers of the "event" invited the media to take part in their action.

The same action was planned by the nationalists to be held on January 6, 2019 at the Cathedral of Vinnitsa eparchy of the UOC, in order to explain to the believers the need for a transition to the OCU.

Recall immediately after the signing of the Tomos, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that now Ukraine is united “exclusively with love and prayer.”

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