President: We should raise awareness among believers

"Honorary acting spiritual mentor" of the OCU Filaret Denisenko and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

The process of transfer of believers to the “Orthodox Church of Ukraine” is already unstoppable, but in order to prevent mistakes, it is very important to raise believers’ awareness, “UNIAN” cites the words of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. 

The president urged supporters of the OCU to avoid violence.

“I want to warn the individual radicals who tomorrow will go to take away temples. This mustn’t be done. You take the churches not from Moscow, but from the community. We need to work with the community. It is necessary to convince them and explain: if there is already a canonical Ukrainian church, why should you wander somewhere, go to us,” Poroshenko said at a meeting with teachers and students of Ternopol higher schools.

According to the President, the Kremlin is interested in religious war and bloodshed.

“Those who wanted to attract “titushki”(tough guys – Ed.) and old women in red headscarves failed. Let the Ukrainians choose their own way to God, and they will do it,” Poroshenko concluded his speech.

Earlier, Poroshenko stated that the Vatican news website published information on the creation of the OCU, although there was no such publication on the official website.

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