Primate of Polish Church voices support for UOC and His Beatitude Onufriy

Metropolitan Sabbah of Warsaw and All Poland

Sabbah, the Metropolitan of Warsaw and all of Poland, is concerned about the crisis situation that has developed in the life of the UOC as a result of the actions of Constantinople in Ukraine. He wrote about this in a letter addressed to His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kiev and All Ukraine, reports the Department for External Church Relations of the UOC.

In his letter, His Beatitude Sabbah recalled the decision of the Polish Orthodox Church of May 9, 2018, which was brought to the attention of the Primates of all Local Orthodox Churches.

Among other things, it contained a warning about ecclesiastic sentiments in Ukraine, which, if not resolved properly, could have a devastating effect on the life of all world Orthodoxy and plunge it into temptation and despondency.

“Now we see it has happened exactly so. We are worried about it. The life of the Church and the faith of a person are no joke,” wrote His Beatitude Metropolitan Sabbah in his letter to the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

At the same time, His Beatitude Metropolitan Sabbah expressed His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy “and all believers who stand firmly for the purity of faith, defined by the dogmatic canonical teaching of the Holy Orthodox Church,” words of fraternal love and respect, and assured of his prayers.

Earlier, Sabbah, the Metropolitan of Warsaw and all of Poland, called on believers of the UOC to be courageous, not to give up and unite around their Primate.

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