His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy: Law of God is never to be abolished

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kiev and All Ukraine

The time will come, and history will put everything in its place, the Primate of the UOC, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kiev and All Ukraine said on December 14 at the award ceremony for talented children “The Future of the Nation”, answering the question of the First Cossack channel journalist about why we are silent, forgive and do not pay offenders with the same coin, as well as what to do if the law does not work.

“Unfortunately, our laws almost do not work ...” said the Primate of the UOC. “But we hope in the Law of God.” No one has canceled it and will not cancel it. God's law does exist. And despite the fact that today certain lawlessness is committed, the time will come when history puts everything in its place. And people will evaluate these events from a completely different point of view. In my opinion, many who are applauded today will be condemned by both God and history.”

His Beatitude Onufriy reminded us that we have a role model of how one should respond to evil – the Savior himself.

“He suffered persecution but did not complain, did not make statements, and ordered us to do the same ... In trials we strengthen ourselves spiritually. And it is precisely in suffering that a person can grow spiritually. In efforts, in improving yourself, in overcoming your passions,” noted the Primate.

In his opinion, one should look not at the one who insulted us but at God: if God hadn't allowed it to happen, this would not have happened.

“We look at the situation at hand and ask: well, Lord, do you want us to go through this test? And then we try to correct what God reminds us of ... ” he stressed.

Recall that in the framework of the VI awards ceremony "The Future of the Nation", which was held in the hall of the National Opera of Ukraine, the Primate of the UOC presented church awards to world boxing champion Alexander Usik and other cultural and sports figures.

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