Archbishop Clement: UOC will not take part in the “Unification Council”

Archbishop Clement (Vecheria) of Nezhin and Priluki

The canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church has not changed its position and is not going to participate in the “unification council”, planned to be held in Kiev on December 15. It was stated by Archbishop Clement of Nezhin and Priluki on Wednesday, December 5, reports TASS.

“Our position has not changed,” Archbishop Clement emphasized. “The Ukrainian Orthodox Church will not participate in this Council, since the creation of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Church does not meet canonical norms.”

Recall that today Petro Poroshenko announced that the “unification council”, which will establish a new church structure in Ukraine, will be held on December 15 at the St. Sofia Cathedral in Kiev.

As the UOJ reported, Vadim Novinsky, MP from the Oppoblok (Oppositon Bloc), said that his party would use all legal means to protect priests and bishops of the UOC. The politician is convinced there is an ongoing unprecedented pressure being exerted by the authorities on the representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church which is aimed to force the UOC clerics to participate in the “unification council”.

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