Nikolaev authorities take pupils to events in support of Tomos

The UOC reported on the use of administrative resources to support granting theTomos

The local administration of Nikolaev was instructed to involve schoolchildren in events dedicated to the Tomos, reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

According to the document published in social networks, the administration of the Zavodskoy district of Nikolaev sent a directive to the head of the Education Department of the Nikolaev City Council on November 20, 2018.

In the document, educators are requested to organize the events “on granting the Tomos to Ukraine and the contribution of President of Ukraine P.A. Poroshenko in the development of Christianity in Ukraine" in the assembly halls of educational institutions of Nikolaev until November 23, 2018.

The letter also says about the need to ensure the mass participation of senior pupils from the Nikolaev region in the actions.

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