Expert: Phanar requires impossible from Poroshenko for creation of SLC

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and President Petro Poroshenko

The Patriarchate of Constantinople understands this and in advance sets an impossible condition for the creation of the SLC. This opinion was expressed by political analyst Elena Dyachenko in the programme “Rabota nad Oshibkami” (“Error Correction”).

The President of Ukraine will not forgive the refusal of the episcopate of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church to participate in the unification council on the creation of the SLC, and persecution will begin, the expert believes.

 “We can say that this meeting was being prepared by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The official reason is that the apparatus game did not work: the Church did not bow to the president. They wanted to meet with the bishops "quietly", but this did not work out, and they had to look for an excuse why the President did not meet with church hierarchs,” said Elena Dyachenko.

The political expert also recalled that the Patriarchate of Constantinople required from Poroshenko the presence of the canonical UOC, the UOC KP and the UAOC at the unification council.

“They set a rather strict condition: the presence of three Churches. Because of this, and whole "mass" started. Bankovaya has to meet a strict requirement on the part of Istanbul – to ensure the presence of the canonical Orthodox Church. This suggests that Constantinople knows the layouts and understands that the UOC will not accept this. He (Patriarch Bartholomew - Ed.) set an impossible condition in advance,” the expert stated.

According to Elena Dyachenko, “no one is going to provide any autocephaly. The exarchate with rigid subordination quite suits Bartholomew. Moreover, recently, an interview with the BBC, it was openly stated that Constantinople did not recognize the canonicity of the UOC KP and the UAOC ... Constantinople "stood up" the believers of the Kiev Patriarchate and the UAOC. This structure is not recognized and there is no question of autocephaly. Their immediate prospects are strict submission to Constantinople,” the political analyst said.

As the UOJ reported, the Locum Tenens of the Western European Exarchate of the Church of Constantinople, Metropolitan Emmanuel of France, arrived in Kiev to lead the unification сouncil and the process of forming a new church structure in Ukraine.


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