Primate of UOC: One who sins cannot be called a patriot

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine


The patriot does not commit injustice, his love for the Homeland is manifested in the love of God and neighbour, the Information and Education Department of the UOC reports the words of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine.

Sin harms not only a man himself but also his children and grandchildren, his Homeland, said the Primate. He is sure that only God's truth and keeping the commandments can bring the fruit of joy and peace.

Therefore, a true patriot never commits injustice, added His Beatitude Onufry.

According to him, the one who beats his chest with shouts about patriotism, but at the same time does what he wants is not a patriot, but “a saboteur to himself, and to everyone who lives next to him, and to his land”.

“A patriot is a person who loves God and loves his neighbour. First of all, he loves parents, children and everyone else. He wants good to all people,” the Primate emphasized. “And for the sake of this love, God sends His blessing to earth.”

В третьем выпуске телепрограммы «Слово Предстоятеля» на «Интере» Блаженнейший митрополит Киевский и всея Украины рассказал о последствиях лжи для человека.

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