UOC spokesman: President’s statements on “Russian Church” alarmed believers

Deputy head of UOC DECR Protopriest Nikolai Danilevich

The latest statements by President Poroshenko have caused a negative reaction among the believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, said deputy head of the UOC DECR Protopriest Nikolai Danilevich on ZIK channel, commenting on Poroshenko’s statement that “the Russian Orthodox Church has nothing to do in Ukraine”.

“If we approach it formally, it is not clear who he meant, because it is the “Russian Orthodox Church” (of the Russian Federation – Ed.) that does not exist here. And not only in Ukraine but in the whole world. In the world, there is the Russian Orthodox Church, it is registered so. Moreover, this Church has its parishes in other states,” Father Nikolai explained.

According to him, the majority of believers and clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church took Petro Poroshenko’s statement personally.

“Believers and clergy who call me say that these words of the President have left an unpleasant aftertaste in their hearts,” the DECR deputy head noted. “These words of the President and his other actions, which can be regarded as actions against the UOC, are negative and can harm the President himself because our believers say that they will remember these words when deciding who to vote for in the next election.” 

Earlier, Petro Poroshenko said that the representatives of the “Russian (RF) Orthodox Church” had nothing to do in Ukraine and recommended them to go “home to Russia”. Before that, Petro Poroshenko met in Istanbul with Patriarch Bartholomew to sign a cooperation agreement.


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