Andrei Us: There is no point expecting Athos to blame Phanar

Executive Director of Charity Foundation Orthodox Legacy of Ukraine on Holy Mount Athos Andrei Us with Metropolitan Nikolaos of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki

The official opinion of Athos is expressed by the Holy Kinot, which will not break with Phanar, said executive director of the Charity Foundation "Orthodox Legacy of Ukraine on Holy Mount Athos" Andrei Us on Facebook.

He mentioned that according to Article 106 of the Constitution of the Hellenic Republic, which was adopted in 1975, the Holy Mountain is under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

According to Us, among the Athonites there are supporters and opponents of the policy of Patriarch Bartholomew. The monastery of Esfigmen in the 90s left the Holy Kinot in protest against Phanar. The inhabitants of other Athos monasteries and famous zealots from the Desert of Athos also disapprove of the behavior of Constantinople.

However, the director of the foundation is sure: “even if Athonites are not happy about the patriarch’s actions, they will not violate the laws”. He advised not to expect from the inhabitants of the Athos monasteries anything more than an urge for the unity of Orthodox Churches. Besides, he recalled that after the occupation of Greece, Athonites, in order to save their shrines and monasteries, appealed directly to Hitler.

Us urged "not to involve" the inhabitants of Athos into the conflict between Phanar and the Russian Orthodox Church, which "does not have a direct relationship" to the Athonites.

Metropolitan Nikolaos (Hatzinikolaou) of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki spoke out against the actions of campaigners of autocephaly for Ukraine. He stressed that the thirst for power cannot be combined with the ethics of the Sermon on the Mount. Monks of the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos pray for the unity of all Orthodox Churches.

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