An attempt on Filaret: a fine instead of a prison

Former "bishop" of the UOC KP Sebastian Vozniak

Shevchenko district court of Kiev re-qualified the case of the attempt on Filaret. "Bishop" of the UOC KP Sebastian Vozniak is now accused of "intentionally causing slight bodily injury." About this reports GLAVCOM, referring to the decision of the court of October 25.

Earlier, the case of Vozniak, who attempted to commit an attempt on the head of the UOC KP, was investigated under Part 4, Art. 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (“Hooliganism”), which implies imprisonment from 3 to 7 years. Now the capital court scheduled the consideration of the case under Part 1 of Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine ("Intentional infliction of light bodily harm") for November 5. A punishment under this article foresses a fine of up to 50 non-taxable minimums of citizens or one year of corrective labor.

At the same time, the complainant in this case is a housekeeper of the “patriarchy” nun Barbara, who suffered from the gas sprayed in her face by Vozniak.

On May 25, the out-of-charge "bishop" of the UOC KP Sebastian Vozniak and his son attempted to kill Filaret, although Vozniak himself denied the fact of the attempt. Later, the “synod” of the UOC KP deprived “bishop” Sebastian of his rank for the “attempted murder” of Filaret.

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