US State Dept: Issue of autocephaly has to be resolved by Ukrainian nation

US State Department Representative Sam Brownback

The Ukrainian people have the right to resolve religious issues at their discretion, without outside interference. This statement was made on October 26 at a briefing for foreign journalists by the representative of the US State Department on International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, reports TASS.

“The US position is that any Church, any religious group of any kind <...> has the right to self-organize in a way that suits it. It is their right. The government should not interfere with how this right is exercised,” the diplomat said, commenting on the church situation in Ukraine.

According to Brownback, we are talking about the right of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the Ukrainian people to a religious organization they wish, they are willing to have without interference or outside intervention.

“The point whether it is for the better [the movement towards autocephaly – Ed.] should be determined by the Ukrainian people,” the State Department Spokesman assured. “Your government leaders expressed the view it is appropriate to do this, but the people themselves must decide, <...> which way they will choose to go. We will support any position the Ukrainian citizens would opt for or deem it correct.”

Earlier, Michael Pompeo, who positions himself as a fighter for freedom of religion in the world, openly supported the desire of the Ukrainian authorities to move towards the creation of an autocephalous Church.

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