Patriarch Bartholomew claims Ukraine waiting for autocephaly since 1990s

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople declared that with his decisions (legalization of dissenters from the UOC KP and the UAOC and the reestablishment of the metropolis of Phanar in Kiev – Ed.) he acts in the interests of Ukrainians.

“Why do all other nations have the right to autocephaly, while the 45-50 million Ukrainian people do not have this right? This is unfair,” reports

According to the Patriarch, the issue of church independence in Ukraine arose in the early 1990s. As it is known, it was then that Filaret Denisenko, who was “legalized” now, was anathematized, and all Local Orthodox Churches, including Constantinople, agreed with this decision.

The head of the Church of Constantinople added that the Ukrainians have the right to autocephaly, “like all the Balkan peoples,” who for some time used to be in the direct jurisdiction of Phanar.

As the UOJ wrote, in September 2018, the Synod of the Church of Constantinople refused to recognize the Macedonian Church in the Balkans, if its name would contain the word "Macedonian".

According to the Bishop of the Church of Greece, Metropolitan Ambrose (Lenis), acting so with regard to Ukraine, Phanar wants to divide World Orthodoxy, and it all began with the establishment of too warm relations between the Vatican and Constantinople.

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