Abbot of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra: We can change the course of history

Abbot of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed) of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl

The history can only be changed by work, respect for each other and love, said the Abbot of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed) of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl in a video message to the believers.

“By labor, love, respect for each other, we can defeat every enemy and adversary, we can change the course of actions of our life, the course of actions of history. But everything depends on each of us!” said His Eminence.

He thanked the Ukrainians for supporting the Lavra on the day of the Protection of the Mother of God: “Today I express huge gratitude for the efforts of our country's leadership. Today I am very grateful to Arseny Avakov, Minister of Internal Affairs, I am very grateful to the Security Service – Vasily Gritsak, our prosecutor's office, to all the valiant defenders of the Motherland and those people who came to offer prayers these days.

Vladyka reminded that the earthly goal of every believer is to learn to live and urged to have respect for yourself and strive for unity.

On 11 October, 2018, Metropolitan Pavel asked all believers to prayerfully support the Lavra on the day of the Protection of the Mother of God.

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