Jerusalem Church calls for a “a wide dialogue” on Ukraine’s issue

His Eminence Archbishop Theodosios (Khana) of Sebastia

His Eminence Archbishop Theodosios of Sebastia called on the Primates of the world’s Orthodox Churches to immediately join in the settlement of the current dispute, which is, according to him, fraught with disaster for the entire Orthodox world, reports RIA Novosti.

Against this background the division between the Moscow and Ecumenical Patriarchates following Constantinople’s statement last Thursday regarding Ukraine, the Jerusalem hierarch feels concerned about the recent developments.

“We feel pain and sorrow from what happened between our two sister Churches in Moscow and Constantinople. We urge to as soon as possible begin some positive initiatives, a wide dialogue to find a resolution to this crisis, the consequences of which will be catastrophic for our Orthodox Church,” said Abp. Theodosios.

“We ask the leaders of the Christian Churches of the world to intervene… We believe that this dispute between two Churches requires the positive intervention of the other Orthodox Churches. I would like to see the patriarchs of the Orthodox world in Constantinople, Antioch, and the other Churches intervene quickly to stop the escalation of this dispute, which has become a threat to the real unity of the Church,” the hierarch added.

The Jerusalem hierarch previously attested that the Jerusalem Church recognizes Ukraine as the canonical territory of the Russian Church, which Constantinople is now denying. On October 15, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to break the Eucharistic communion with the Patriarchate of Constantinople after Phanar returned without repentance the canonical status to all representatives of schismatic organizations of the UOC KP and the UAOC.

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