Parubiy: Monasteries of UOC hid bloody murderers

Verkhovna Rada Speaker Andrei Parubiy

Putin uses the UOC as a tool to spread the ideology of the “Russian World”. This was stated by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andrei Paruby during a meeting with the exarchs of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, reports the website of the Priamoy (“Direct”) TV channel.

“Unfortunately, despite the fact that Ukraine has very harmonious relations between different Churches ... we see how one of the Churches – the Church of the Moscow Patriarchate sometimes behaves not like the Church,” said the Speaker.

He explained, “At the beginning of the aggression, I was the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council. The first subversive groups that came to Ukraine, unfortunately, received shelter in the monasteries of the Moscow Patriarchate. At daytime, they killed Ukrainian citizens in Slaviansk, in other parts, and at night with their hands covered in blood, they hid in these monasteries. Putin does not use the Church as the Church, but as a tool of aggression and the spread of the ideology of the so-called “Russian world” as an element of propaganda,” Parubiy explained.

As the UOJ reported, earlier the Verkhovna Rada Speaker Andrei Parubiy distorted the Georgian Patriarch’s comments on autocephaly: he said that Patriarch Ilia II of All Georgia hoped for a positive decision of the Constantinople Patriarchate to grant the Tomos to the Ukrainian Church, while the official report of the Church of Georgia said that Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II noted “the need to refrain from premature assessments” on the issue of autocephaly.

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