Met Alexander (Drabinko): There is a document – you must vacate the temple!

Metropolitan Alexander (Drabinko) of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky and Vishnevoye

According to him, if there is a written order – the temple must be vacated, said Met. Alexander (Drabinko) of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky and Vishnevoye in an interview with “Krapka” on October 8.

“The Assumption Cathedral of the Lavra is on the balance of the city. They can break the lease agreement with one and sign it with others. There is a document — you must vacate the temple. However, some consider it their own. Imagine that I gave you a jacket to wear, and then I say, "Pass to another." In response, I hear, "No!" On what grounds?” says the hierarch of the UOC.

Commenting on the lawsuit against Petro Poroshenko regarding his interference in the Church affairs, Metropolitan Alexander said, “Or maybe we will sue those who do not allow the creation of the Local Church? Kirill, who says that we have a religious war? Maybe we will sue our Holy Synod, which calls the Kiev Patriarchate schismatics? In this case, does it limit their professional activities?”

As the UOJ reported, earlier Metropolitan Alexander (Drabinko) has stated that it is necessary to create a register to evaluate the UOC assets: if a person calls legal actions seizures of temples, then this is a question directly to this person, he explained.

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