Ivano-Frankovsk eparchy demands to stop aggression toward believers

Holy Trinity temple in Bogordchany

The eparhcy required not to resort to aggression and physical force against the believers of the UOC. It was written by the press service of the eparchy.

Reportedly, in Bogorodchany representatives of the local authorities, with the participation of the Right Sector, led by the head of the organization Mark Belchak, seized the building of the Metropolitan Chambers at the Holy Trinity Church of the UOC.

Without presenting any official documents, they broke windows and severely beat believers, including the rector of the church, Protopriest Vladimir Shuvar. One of the offenders entered the temple and tried to open it from the inside.

The incident was provoked by the decision of representatives of local government to transfer the premises of the Metropolitan Chambers to a music school.

The Ivano-Frankovsk eparchy of the UOC called on representatives of the authorities and political organizations, especially in the current difficult and tense time, to peacefully resolve disputable issues of property and other nature, as well as to stop the aggression against Orthodox Ukrainians.

On September 28 activists from the Right Sector organization seized part of the premises at the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Bogorodchany, Ivano-Frankovsk region and beat up the believers of the UOC. Having broken in, the radicals attacked the parishioners who were inside. As a result, several people were seriously injured – two men had their arms broken, one received a concussion. The rector of the temple, father Vladimir Shuvar, was kicked out into the street. Having thus expelled all parishioners, the raiders changed the door locks.

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