Exarchs could secretly reordain the schismatics, – ROC hierarch

Exarchs of Constantinople meeting with Petro Poroshenko

To give the schismatic "hierarchy" a kind of legitimacy, it must be re-ordained, and only two bishops can do this. This was said by the head of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, in the television program "The Great Game" on the First Channel, reports Interfax.

"Usually, one exarch is sent, and when two were sent, our brothers in Ukraine immediately raised the question: why two exarchs, what will they do? And the whole point is that two bishops can ordain the third bishop," the hierarch explained.

According to him, "if the schismatic hierarchy, since it is not legitimate, cannot claim autocephaly, then in order to make it look legitimate, these false bishops must all be reordained, and only two bishops can do this, this cannot be done by one bishop," added Vladyka.

Therefore, he continued, there is such an assumption that they will "start to do this secretly, and then at the right moment they will say: well, they are no longer schismatics, now they have received canonical ordinations".

"This is a kind of special operation," the bishop said.

As the UOJ reported, earlier the Chancellor of the UOC, Metropolitan of Borispol and Brovary Anthony, has said that no Church, except Constantinople, will recognize the new church structure in Ukraine.


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