Klimkin: Statement of ROC Synod can only be made by “people in grey suits”

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin suspects that the statement of the Synod of the ROC on the appointment by the Phanar of its exarchs to Kiev was written by "people in grey suits." This was stated by the Ukrainian Foreign Minister on September 13 on his Facebook page.

According to him, the tone and style of this statement are too far from the ecclesiastic language.

"It seems to me that people working in grey suits worked well on the text without taking off their cassocks," the minister said, adding that "the way to receiving the Tomos changes everything."

Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavel Klimkin is actively lobbying the initiatives of President Petro Poroshenko to create a single local church in Ukraine. Earlier, the minister held relevant talks with representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora of Canada and the Vatican. Also, Klimkin called on all Ukrainian faiths to help establish the SLC.

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