Unilateral actions of Phanar to aggravate unrest in Ukraine, - journalist

Phanar's decisions can cause another wave of confrontation

Unilateral actions by Constantinople Church will only aggravate the socio-political unrest in Ukraine, said journalist Vasily Anisimov in an interview with the Interfax-Religion.

"It is obvious that any actions by the Constantinople Patriarchate not authorized by the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, including the lifting of disciplinary punishment from excommunicated Mikhail Denisenko (Filaret), the organization of parallel church structures, the granting of self-governance, autonomy and autocephaly to schismatics, will be extremely negatively received by Ukraine's Orthodox Christians," Vasily Anisimov said. "That will lead to another wave of confrontation and aggravate the socio-political unrest in Ukraine, which is in a severe socio-economic crisis and is stuck in the bloody conflict in the Donbass." 

The journalist noted that in the Patriarchate of Constantinople, instead of a dialogue with the UOC, the schism is discussed with the leadership of Ukraine.

"What does it have to do with the Ukrainian authorities, which have already been declared criminal by their opponents, its anti-constitutional, anti-law God-building requests? [...] Do they in Istanbul really want secular state structures to run church affairs? If Patriarch Bartholomew begins fulfilling wishes of Petro Poroshenko, how can he deny the wishes of those who will replace him?" Vasily Anisimov said.

Earlier, President Petro Poroshenko stated that the Patriarchate of Constantinople had decided to grant all states the right to establish a local church. In turn, the UOC urged not to believe the speculations related to the Synaxis of the Constantinople Patriarchate.


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